Hema Complex - 86 mg iron supplemented with cofactors in extended-release tablets.
Iron is an important component of hemoglobin, which is made up of red blood cells (erythrocytes).
Hemoglobin contains about two-thirds of the iron in the body. It combines with oxygen, and red blood cells carry it from the lungs throughout the body. This mineral is also included in many elements responsible for cholesterol metabolism, converting calories into energy, and fighting toxins. Thanks to iron, the immune system copes with its functions better, and red blood cells use it to send carbon dioxide to the lungs for processing. It is also essential for maintaining healthy cells, skin, hair and nails.
With iron deficiency anemia, our body needs not only iron, but also a large number of cofactors. First of all, these are vitamin C, B12, copper and folic acid.
But even this is not enough, iron and ferritin receptors are found in almost all tissues, and for iron to reach them, more than a dozen cofactors must be present normally.
To get the fullest effect from your iron supplement, Hema Complex contains the following cofactors:
- Vitamin C
- Bioflavonoids.
- Methyl folate (vitamin B9)
- Vitamin B12 in the form of methicoblamin
- Digestible protein. (Spinach, chlorella, spirulina).
- Vitamin B1 helps maintain iron levels in the blood.
- Selenium. Good levels of selenium in the body are necessary because the active enzymes that form hemoglobin contain selenium. In addition, if selenium levels are low, the lifespan of red blood cells decreases from 110-120 days (normal) to 40-60 days. All these factors lead to anemia.
- Zinc, copper, manganese. Copper is involved in the transport of iron. Manganese regulates iron levels in mitochondria and initiates the maturation of iron transport proteins. With manganese deficiency, the import of proteins responsible for iron homeostasis into mitochondria does not occur and the distribution of intracellular and extracellular iron is disrupted.
- Vitamin B2, which together with folic acid (vitamin B9) is involved in the process of creating new blood cells in the bone marrow, promotes the synthesis of erythropoietin (the main stimulator of hematopoiesis). B2 also promotes the activation of vitamins B6 and folic acid. Moreover, without this vitamin the body cannot absorb iron and synthesize hemoglobin.