Artichoke extract is a natural supplement aimed at improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is based on the Artichoke extract of the same name, without the use of artificial components, dyes and flavors. The supplement has enormous biological value and is a source of caffeylquinic acids, silmirin and other important microelements necessary for the normal functioning of the body.
Beneficial features:
- reduces the symptoms of vitamin deficiency and fills the body with valuable vitamins and minerals;
- regulates bowel function, solves the problem of constipation and promotes weight loss;
- helps get rid of puffiness - they have diuretic properties and quickly remove excess fluids and toxins from tissues;
- supports liver health - hepatoprotective properties are widely known in official and folk medicine; consuming it is very useful when there is increased stress on the liver;
- relieves symptoms of flatulence;
- improves the condition of colds and various inflammatory processes.