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Serving Size:1 Veg Capsule
Betaine HCI648 mg
Pepsin150 mg

Betaine is vital for humans, as it participates in many biochemical processes occurring in the body.

The pharmacological action of betaine allows its use as an adjuvant therapy for the following disorders:

  • functional digestive disorders due to non-compliance with diet and abuse of unhealthy food, accompanied by discomfort and a feeling of heaviness in the epigastric region, flatulence, heartburn, etc. Often such disorders are provoked by low acidity of gastric juice. In turn, due to insufficient acidity, the valve at the bottom of the stomach does not open and food, instead of entering the intestines, lingers in the stomach for a long time, causing dyspepsia, heartburn and other related symptoms. Betaine helps improve the functioning of the digestive system by increasing the acidity of gastric juice and improving the breakdown of proteins found in foods.
  • biliary dyskinesia - in this case, the action of betaine is aimed at stimulating the formation of bile and improving its outflow.
  • atheromatosis, fatty hepatosis - betaine normalizes lipid metabolism, stimulating the process of fat oxidation, thereby reducing fatty infiltration of the liver.

There is evidence that betaine has a beneficial effect on weight loss and helps increase physical endurance during training, although this theory has not yet received scientific substantiation.

This substance plays a significant role and benefits in ensuring the normal functioning of the body, namely:

  • reduces the level of homocysteine - a toxic breakdown product of amino acids, which provokes the development of osteoporosis and atherosclerosis;
  • normalizes the activity of the digestive system;
  • activates lipid metabolism in the liver;
  • betaine speeds up metabolism;
  • helps to get rid of excess weight;
  • neutralizes toxic substances;
  • increases bile production and improves its outflow;
  • promotes the absorption of iron, calcium and vitamin B12.
Serving Size:1 Veg Capsule
Betaine HCI648 mg
Pepsin150 mg
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